Friday, January 22, 2010

Flashback 2009 >> Indonesian's Earthquake

Last year, our beloved country, Indonesia, returned to be shocked again by earthquake . So many victims had fallen out again and again. The loss suffered was not only materials, but also hundred of people, who were getting injured, lost even passing away . earthquake as far as we know is vibration happens on the surface of the earth. While according to the scientist, earthquake is friction of the earth's crust or in the other words it is called earth's plate.

Our earth of course happen to be a solid material. As solid thing, it should not have been movable. But within the earth actually materials have been moving all the time. This movement will cause energy and if result of movement is too big and even goes beyond its endurance limit, earthquake happens. There are some type of earthquake and one of them is called "Tectonic earthquake". It happens because of the act of releasing energy as result of friction of tectonic plates.

The energi yielded by collision among stones is known as "Tectonic Handicap". Theory of tectonic plates explains that earth consists of some stone layers which most of crust layers will drift and form a floating layers just like layers of ice. These layers which are broken into many pieces move slowly and then collide between one another. Power of spread of tectonic earthquake is different from other kinds of earthquakes because it follows meeting patterns of tectonic plates that compiles earth's crust.

Base on the above facts, we can conclude that when the earthquake happened, the most dangerous things are the buildings erected in the earthquake risky area not to mention people's awareness and the way they behave to the earthquake itself.

It is really touching and so sad to see the impact of earthquake that has happened in Indonesia. We should have realized that natural disaster actually is a warning from ALLAH SWT. His warning is to make people aware of not to be so arrogant to ALLAH SWT. Not to dare break his law either. Human should have protected the earth instead of ruining it because ALLAH SWT created this world including human and other creatures within is not without aims.....

Okay,. that's all, guys.. please give comment !!


fadiL the whyzein said...

itulah, kehebatan ALLAH.

baca jg : fadiL bLog: kegiatan di sekolah

mas doyok said...

semoga 2010 lebih tentrem ya,,,,
mari berdoa bersama

masifud said...

:j: moga ntar indo jarang ada gempa lagi amien...

mamaders said...

Aminn..... :k: :k:

Anonymous said...

sEmOga bAngsA kiTa aKaN mEnjadi lEbih bAik lAgi di tAhun 2010 ini dAn di Tahun yN\anG akan dAtang,,

Galeri said...

Banyak sekali cobaannya bangsa kita, mudah mudahan di tahun ini bangsa kita di hidarkan dari banyaknya mara bahaya ...Amin....

coodelz said...

semoga tidak terjadi lagi

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